The meeting of Tuesday evening last was one of members only, held for the purpose of discussing the formation of a scientific group within the Society. The discussion was one to which reference is advisedly postponed until the official report of the proceedings in the Society's Journal.
Dr. F. Knott, an old member of the club, though far from a veteran in years gave a lecture, entitled "Visual Psychology” which escaped improvement by the secretary, probably owing to doubt as to its significance. Others shared thin, for some cans prepared to hear a dissertation on the mystic and occult; some conjectured a ceresin lovely maiden beloved by Cupid might receive attention; whilst the majority preferred to "wait and see," and, when last week they saw found seeing wee not necessarily believing. As a matter of fact, Mr. Faster Brigham was down for the date, hut remained up at Scarborough However, and he sent such a nice letter of apology, with to "unforeseen circumstance" and the "daffodil disease," all forgave his absence.
Dr. Knott's paper consisted of two parts the psychology of form and that of colour. It took over an hour to deliver, read at express sped but with excellent articulation. The subject was treated in a yet in a war readily to be understood. The few extracts selected for report give no idea of its scope.
Psychology he said is a large subject, and the visual branch by no means it’s smallest. It consists of her scientific study of the nature and course of experience. We know a thing, and sometimes we know that we know a thing, but more rarely do we know that we know that we know a thing (tie nothing could be plainer). Classification is important. There are many kinds of sensations, and we are equipped with receivers for all the chief kinds of physical energy, except electricity. Light is especially interesting to photographers as predominantly visual creatures. The eye may he considered as a little camera, with its lens, more or less perfect, capable of being focused and stopped down, with Use retina, acting as o focusing screen the image being upside down, which is reverted by the brain.
The chief faults of the eye correspond with those from which lenses suffer spherical aberration and astigmatism being present, amongst others. Optical lenses are made of transparent glass, but the media of the human eyes ore slightly turbid, causing "irradiation," which has the same subjective effect on objects as actual turbidity has on objective things. The angle of view of the two eyes is enormous, no lam than 180 deg. in the horizontal meridian and 120 deg. in the vertical, the images received being minatory finished in the centre, and only roughly sketched at she borders.
There is one spot of extreme sensitiveness in the retina, and another of absolute blindness at die attachment of the optic nerve; but, as in binocular vision the two blind spots never comedies, the defect is unnoticed; also, they almost invariably affect those parts of the field to which, at the moment, attention is not directed. The blind spot is so large that it might prevent our seeing eleven full moons placed in a row. (It transpired in the discussion that this phenomenon has no connection with the two moons seen side by side tinder certain conditions.)
All are colour blind, the outermost retinal zone being absolutely blind to colour: then come intermediate zones with partial colour vision, and, finally, the innermost with complete colour perception. The lecturer then parsed on to an exhaustive consideration of (binocular vision, perspective, and the theory of colour and its relation to vision. He also showed a large number of highly interesting optical illusions dealing with form, magnitudes, and colour. Considerations of time and space preclude these being touched upon. It should, however, be mentioned that Mr. Sellors alleged that he saw quite correctly many things which correctly he should have seen incorrectly typical of the secretary's perversity.
In the discussion a point raised 'by Mr. Reynolds resulted in a pretty flare-up between him and Mr. Purkis, the "office boy" -energetically tanning (.lie flames, only to find him enveloped. If any reader with a kind heart and sufficient knowledge can throw any light on the points in dispute, it may avert a repetition of the peculiar triangular duel described by Marryat. The facts are as follows: A cardboard disc, painted (blue and yellow, on being revolved, appeared white. An assumption was then made that the same colors be applied in minute dots in juxtaposition on a piece of white cardboard, when it was agreed that, viewed from a distance, a green emotion could be received. Therefore, why a white sensation in the first place and a green one in the second? About an hour after a hearty vote of thanks had been accorded the doctor for an evening of unusual interest the disputants separated. Mr. Purkis departed resolved to think the matter out; the office boy left with an equally form resolve in an opposite direction, and Mr. Reynolds and his gentle, compassionate smile melted into the night a smile, by the way, which simply touts for tremble.
Association. - The usual monthly meeting of the above Association was held in Stephen-son's Cafe, Sheffield, on April 2. There was a good attendance of members, and one new member was enrolled. The evening was occupied in a general discussion on the following subjects: Minimum prices for postcards, the assistant question, keeping a register of employees open to engagement, the training of disabled men as assistants, etc. The secretary was instructed to ascertain full particulars of the Government's proposition for the training of demobilized men .with a view to commencing art business as photographers. It was decided to make an effort to induce district photographers to become members of the Association. A very pleasant evening .was spent, and members seemed to take more interest in the future of the Association than has been apparent for some time. The subject for discussion at the next meeting is, "The Best Artificial Lighting for Studio Portraiture." The Association is open for was members. The hon. secretary's address is 137, Pinatone Street, Sheffield. Manufacturers are invited to demonstrate new goods, apparatus, or novelties at any of the Association's meetings.
At the London Bankruptcy Court on Friday last, before Mr. Registrar Franck, the public examination was appointed to be held of Harold Aylmer Jones, photographer 7 Gloucester Terrace, Kensington, W., formerly of 30, Hill Street. Richmond, who alleged his failure to have been caused through loss on the business at 7, Gloucester Terrace and loss of business through domestic differences with his wife, who had obtained judgment him for arrears of an allowance under an Order of the Court case being called on for hearing, Mr. F. T. Garton, who attended as Official Receiver, said the debtor had given the Court a good deal of trouble. He had written to say that he had filed the best statement of affairs it was possible for him to make out and he asked for an adjournment on the ground of ill-health, but he had not fortified his application with a medical certificate.
The statement of affairs was very incomplete, and the debtor had only attended once upon the bankruptcy officials since he was previously before the Court; therefore, he asked that the examination might be adjourned sine die. When the debtor appeared at the Court on the last occasion he certainly looked unwell, but as he was not present on this occasion he thought the examination could be adjourned sine die.
The Registrar granted the application upon the ground that debtor had not given a reasonable excuse for his absence.
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