Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Lifestyle Health Plans: HDHP, HCPA, HSA, HRA, HIPAA

Lifestyle Health Plans Termins

High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

Health Insurance Plan, which has a high minimum deductible, which do not cover the initial costs or all costs for medical expenses. Deductible forces the insurance holder to pay the first part of medical expenses before insurance kicks in. The minimum deductible of the plan fall into the category of HDHP varies each year. In 2006, he made more than $ 1000 for individuals and $ 2,000 for families.

These health insurance plans become more common when a new health savings account (HSA) legislation was signed into law in 2003. To open an account HSA, a person must first HDHP. These high-deductible health plans that are believed to lower the overall cost of health care, forcing people to be more aware of medical costs. The higher deductibles and lower insurance premiums, resulting in health insurance more affordable.

Healthcare Power Of Attorney (HCPA)

Legal form, which allows a person to another decision regarding his or her "health and health care. Health care power of attorney becomes active when a person is unable to make decisions, either consciously communicate intentions with regard to treatment.

Health care power of attorney allows people who have been unable to make their own decisions, which carry out their beliefs and wishes regarding medical procedures. A person can communicate with the agent on behalf of the sick or injured, prevention of unwanted treatment. The process of designating the HCPA is quite simple, and the privilege may be revoked at any time.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Account created for individuals who fall under the high deductible health plans (HDHPs), to save for medical expenses that HDHPs do not cover. Contributions come at the expense of individuals or individual employers and restricted to the maximum each year. Contributions are invested over time and can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses, which include most medical care, such as dental, vision, and for the most anti-drug.

HSA account three major tax savings: the money contributed to the tax bill, the tax increases for free, and some conclusions are deductible if they are intended for qualified medical expenses. To qualify for the HSA account, you must have a coating with high-deductible health plan, and you should not be enrolled in Medicare or be listed as a dependent on another person's tax return.

Accident And Health Benefits

Fringe benefits provided to employees for sickness, accidental injury or death resulting from an accident. These benefits include payment of hospital and medical expenses, as well as income payments.

As a general rule, employees may exclude the benefits from gross income. There are a number of incentives for the distribution of these benefits for employees because the employer has the right to deduct the payments.

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

Customer-funded plans that reimburse employees for incurred medical expenses not covered by the company's standard insurance plan. Because the employer funds the plan, any distributions are tax (the employer). Reimbursement dollars received by the employee as tax free.

Downturn in HRAs is that companies can decide whether to start or fund such a plan. In addition, if the plan has already been created, the employer has the right to cancel it on almost any moment.

How to manuals, the employee may be reimbursed for qualified medical expenses from his employer. Funds received without the tax, but also because the plan is funded by the employer, the employer has the right to cancel or modify the distributions at any time. Despite this, many workers HRAs regarded as a valuable benefit given the rising costs of health care.

Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The law created by Congress in 1996, which amends both the employees retirement income Security Act (ERISA) and the National Health Service Act (PHSA) in efforts to protect individuals covered by health insurance and establish standards for storage and confidentiality of personal medical data .

HIPAA provides an individual plan of health care available, portable and renewable, and it sets standards and methods, such as medical data shared between the U.S. health care system to prevent fraud. He pre-empts state law, if the state rules are more stringent.

This law was amended in 1996 to include processes for the secure storage and exchange of medical patient information in electronic form. The Act also has the administrative simplification provision, which is aimed at increasing efficiency and reducing administrative costs through the creation of national standards.

Lifestyle Health insurers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), health care accounts and other entities that engage in personal health information must comply with the standards set by HIPAA. Failure to comply may result in civil or criminal liability.

Cosmetic Lifestyle Lift, and psychological problems

If the condition of your skin on the face, neck, decolletage does not cause you positive emotions and the skin looks, in your opinion, is worse than it could, can often have thoughts about the need for skin tightening. This can really help in these areas of the body, but to predict the effect and assess the need for such a procedure, such as lifting, can only be a medical specialist. The fact that the amazing success of cosmetic medicine, we are seeing in recent years, the incredibly increased the market for paid medical services.

And according to economic laws, where the impetus for the development of an activity are the supply and demand, the proposal seeks to change the demand available to him means, such as advertising. If this does not happen, the dynamics of this activity would be unable to maintain returns on investments, and quickly faded to. Therefore, paid medicine, like any other commercial services, seeks to impose a layman with all available means. The result of this policy was roll of public opinion toward cosmetic surgery, the majority of the population which, by using the same advertising, does not see anything special. Outside the attention of the people are important features of this trend impacts on human health. Unwitting agents of the roll are the stars of show business, and through them to influence public opinion very much.

At the same time, such medical treatments as Botox, liposuction and facelift surgery - these are serious steps that affect health, which may allow a doctor, not a doctor cosmetic center. However, every now and attending physicians are faced with a distorted perception of their patients expected consequences of such intervention in their health. It is not uncommon, the results are linked to getting rid of their own psychological problems. And when this happens, people feel frustrated in a hurry or anything else to fix their appearance in similar ways. But the same lifting effectively achieved without the surgeon's scalpel other progressive methods, from massage to ultrasound. For a start can be recommended even laser hair removal, if only in order to trace its impact on the psychological condition of the patient.

See also Lifestyle Lift Laser

Lifestyle Lift Laser - The Best Method of Anti-aging

Unfortunately, we are all without exception are subject to aging. Together with our aging and our bodies and our skin. Particularly ruthless time to skin cells, which are noticeably weaker, and age on a variety of reasons, among which is the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and atmospheric effects, and more. As a result, skin loses its elasticity, resilience and natural force. Struggle with similar ailments in the early stages of aging helps to use various creams and lotions that have a lifting effect on the cells. However, more serious signs of skin aging such methods can no longer fight. That's when it becomes necessary Laser Lifestyle Lift as a cosmetic procedure.

Lifting - is one way to skin rejuvenation. The treatment may include non-surgical skin tightening, or directly to plastic surgery.

Too many people go to plastic surgery with great reluctance and then only if they have no more choice, and all major cosmetic procedures or are powerless, or have lost their effectiveness. However, in our research center there is a great alternative to all types of lifting and plastic surgery. An alternative to this is the so-called laser lift or non-surgical skin tightening. This method is the latest in modern laser medicine, but he was already well established itself not only in our research center, but also in various laser clinics around the world.

The main features of the laser Lifestyle Lift is that non-surgical skin tightening is carried out without anesthesia, due to the fact that the laser beam in contact with the skin accompanied by a powerful cooling system, resulting in the need for anesthesia is completely eliminated. In addition, non-surgical skin tightening laser provides excellent long-term outcome.

What is Lifestyle Lift Laser?

Effects on tissue structure of the epidermis laser lifting based on the principle of selective (ie, selective) photothermolysis. In this very selective effect on tissues of the skin with laser systems determined by the density of the emitted laser wavelength. Thus, the chromophores melanin, hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin) and water, engaging in direct interaction with laser radiation "own" the length and density, are capable of converting light energy that comes in them, in the heat, accumulating it. Accumulated thermal energy, reaching a specified level, causes irreversible changes in the desired tissue structure, aimed at skin rejuvenation. Raising the temperature in deep layers of the skin using laser energy provides a seal collagen tissue, and after the procedure there is an intensive formation of new collagen, and further strengthening of the skin cells that leads to a long and highly visible results.

After the procedure, laser rejuvenation is an expected surge in activity of enzymes. Level of their own biologically active substances of the organism increases in several times. Leather re-creates its own shield against free radicals and external environmental influences, including UV. The circulation of blood in micro arteries and wreaths skin becomes very active. The fact that it uses the energy of a strictly defined set properties, the frequency spectrum is very narrow (5 nm), so the doctor can accurately predict the depth of the impact and results. Laser non-surgical skin tightening is the preferred method of rejuvenation.

Read also Lifestyle lift Complaints