Minggu, 14 September 2008



These specifications are obtainable, price 6d each t post free, from the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W. C.
The dale in brackets is that of application in this country; or abroad, in the case of patents granted under the International Contention.


No. 123,892 (May 6, 1918). The invention consists in a lantern-slide, used for announcements, mounted so that it can be raised or lowered vertically in the cinematograph lantern stage. It is raised by a spring drum and lowered by pulling it down by hand. Robert George Elder, of 16, War ten Terrace, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne.


No. 123,842 (March 12, 1918). The invention consists in a film having
words, or the letters thereof, progressively impressed near to the mouths of figures as a means of indicating a supposed dialogue. The words may be impressed photographically or from metal type. Samuel Albert Flower, 17, Newnham Road, Wood Green, London, N.


No. 113,156 (February 20, 1917). Two rectangular pieces of glass are selected of exactly the same size. On to one of the pieces of glass are placed three or more single pictures cut from waste cinematograph film. The film pictures, which are placed longitudinally on the glass and a little distance apart, are secured to the glass by narrow strips of black adhesive paper passed across their ends. The second piece of glass is then placed on the top of the pictures and the frame is bound securely together by strips of black gummed paper or tape, or other adhesive material, placed round the four edges.
The advantage claimed for the invention is that the slide thus formed is greatly superior to the present one, as the pictures used will be cuttings from the best quality films, showing excellent photography. Frederick Winton Perkins, 12, Norton Road, Letch worth Hertz.


No. 113,919 (September 19, 1917). The invention has for its object certain improvements in roll films whereby films of one size may be employed in different-sized cameras. In roll-film cameras it is usual to provide markings upon the backing paper for the film, such markings being spaced apart a distance equal to the length of film necessary for each exposure in a camera of a particular size, and showing the number of exposures that have been made. As distinguished from the foregoing, in accordance with the invention the backing for the film is marked in such a manner that a single spool of film of any particular width can be used in any camera made to take films of that width. The divisions on the backing paper are units and sub-divisions of units of length, and enable the user to ascertain the actual length of film used instead of the number of exposures of a predetermined size. The divisions are consecutively numbered and are of known dimensions, 1 centimeter for example. The half centimeter, quarter centimeter, or even smaller dimensions may also be indicated, but not necessarily identified.
The user of such a roll of film would be provided with a table giving names of various cameras in which the spool could be used, and giving against each camera the numbers which should appear at the usual opening or window in the back of the camera, as the successive exposures are made, allowance being made so that there is a division between the exposed portions, and overlapping of the photographs is avoided. Herbert Nimmo. 44, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I.


No. 11,933 (June 4, 1917). A sheet of paper or like flexible material previously sensitized in any known manner is coated with paint or washes of Venetian red, chrome yellow, or other suitable preparation which is impervious to light and is easily removable by washing or other similar process. The opaque coating forms protection to the sensitized surface and admits of the paper being handled openly, dispensing with the use of light-tight envelopes and the like, the treated paper being made up in single sheets or in books, packets or blocks containing the desired number of sheets.
For producing a print the prepared sheet or two or more superimposed sheets is supported behind the object to be radiographer, the print being thus taken directly on the paper or a like print on each of the superimposed papers or sheets, which is subsequently washed to remove the opaque coating and develop the print or prints.
By means of the invention, X-ray photographs can be produced with the utmost rapidity, whereby immediate inspection of the finished print is obtainable, this in many cases being of considerable value. George William Kilmer Crosland, New North Road, Huddersfield, and Thomas Pearson Kilmer Crosland, Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield.

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