Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

Assistants' Notes: Dark-Room Clock

How to Construct a Dark-Room Clock.

A clock to measure the seconds, the face and fingers of which be plainly seen in the dark room, is a most desirable and useful ring. But one specially made for the purpose at the present time is rather an expensive item. The following instruction will enable any photographer to adapt an ordinary clock at vary little cost. Any make or sue will do providing it has a good, bold, white dial and a minute finger, and is one without a which will go in any position like a watch. Unless it has a finger it will be of no use for our purpose. It does not how old the movement is or bow defective it’s time-keeping qualities; these are of no consequence. If we have not one in our one can be picked up very cheaply, often for a few at a clock repairer's or secondhand stores.
Having secured this, we can proceed with the work of converting into a dark-room clock.

Carefully take the movement out of the case, noticing particularly bow it m fixed in, and remove the fingers. Sometimes this latter has to be done before the movement will come out of the case. All screws, washers, fingers, ate, should be put into a purser or small tray so that they will not get lost, as they will be required later. We should now carefully look at the works and notice just those wheels and spindles which are required to keep the clock going and the minute finger moving. All the rest of the movements are not required by us, and are better taken out. The beet way to take these out without disturbing any other works is to cot through the spindles which carry the wheels with a three-cornered file anywhere where it is convenient. They can then easily be taken out. When all the unnecessary parts have been removed we shall have a clock which, when going, only takes round the minute band. The dial should now be pot back on the clock in such a manner that the centre of the dial where the hour hand was should be fixed over the minute finger movement. This may necessitate a little cutting of the dial, etc., or other parts, to allow it to fit in its right position, but can easily be accomplished. When this is fitted in position the long; finger is carefully soldered on to the minute finger and blacked, the minute finger placed in position, and the whole movement put back into the case. We have now a clock which takes just one minute for the finger to go completely round the dial, and each of the hours five seconds. The dial being of a large size and white, and the finger black, it is very easy to see and count the time in the dark room. Of course, the clock will go with once winding as long as ever it did.

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